صابونة ملح البحر وحليب جوز الهند ( لمعان و نضاره) *تعمل علي تفتيح البشرة وتفتيح لون التصبغات *يساعد في تهدئة البشرة وترطيبها بشكل عميق مما يعطي بشرة ناعمة ولامعة وصح..
صابونة زبدة الكاكاو و القهوه (لتغذية البشره)لجميع انواع البشره*يعمل الكاكاو على حماية البشرة وتغذيتها و القضاء علي البقع الداكنه*ازالة أثار حب الشباب*تقليل التهابات الجلد *تعم..
Fiorella body mist spray , fine fragrance mist airy water . Be modern and delicate, wrap yourself in the romance fragrance with fiorella , enjoy the scent of your beauty .فيور..
Hair mist oil fiorella to eliminate frizz , dryness and detangling to activate the combing process and give the hair an attractive smell that lasts for a long time rich in oil .ميس..
Hair mist oil fiorella to eliminate frizz , dryness and detangling to activate the combing process and give the hair an attractive smell that lasts for a long time rich in oil .ميس..
Hair mist oil fiorella to eliminate frizz , dryness and detangling to activate the combing process and give the hair an attractive smell that lasts for a long time rich in oil .ميس..
Hair mist oil fiorella to eliminate frizz , dryness and detangling to activate the combing process and give the hair an attractive smell that lasts for a long time rich in oil .ميس..
Hair mist oil fiorella to eliminate frizz , dryness and detangling to activate the combing process and give the hair an attractive smell that lasts for a long time rich in oil .ميس..